Finding the right riding partner for a trip is no easy task. Sometimes, it falls into place with a wave, other times, it’s a disaster of epic proportions. Here is a non-exhaustive questionnaire to help sort things out. Maybe it will help you clarify your limits as a rider, too. I personally would not hand this to anyone I met casually, but could see it being used as a guide or prior to a large tour where people did not know each other or the participants.
PDF version of the final document is here! – Riding partner checklist
G’day atomicalex – I’ve got to admit that’s a comprehensive in depth questionnaire you formulated. I don’t know that I would ask all those questions BUT I thank you for a few ice-breaker questions in there that would be good to ask if heading off with someone you do not know. I never thought to ask these but will use them now, so thanks for that. But you are right in the sense that we all think that there is a comraderie that is unquestionable amongst adv riders globally, but really, you just do not have a clue who you are teaming up with in the end.
Kind regards
KirkFord aka Sherman