I have stumbled on something?
Powdered psyllium husk. Not Metamucil grade, but truly finely powdered psyllium husk.
Modified from the KitchenAid mixer cookbook.
1 1/3-1 1/2 cup warm water
1t active dry yeast
1t sugar
2T POWDERED psyllium husk
2c GF flour (I have been using the King Arthur one for a while)
1t salt
1T baking powder
2T olive oil
Add water, yeast, and sugar to a bowl and stir well.
Allow yeast to begin blooming.
Sprinkle psyllium powder into yeast bloom and mix well with a whisk to fully wet out
Allow to sit for ~5 min and yes, it will gel a bit
Mix drys and dump on top of gelled fibre
Add olive oil on top of flour mound
Start mixing with a spoon. When it is mostly together, knead for 1 or 2 minutes. You can do this all in a stand mixer and use the dough hook to mix/knead it.
Let sit to rise for a while. Punch it (it won’t rise that much) and roll it out. Parbake it to set the structure, then top and finish it off at 425° like a proper pizza should be.
It makes a sort of whole-wheat style crust. It’s chewy. It’s like a regular pizza crust from the pre GF days.
What did I do? OMG. I made pizza!